Top 6 Reasons Your Kids Should Go to Pre-K

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Top 6 Reasons Your Kids Should Go to Pre-K

Posted On: February 21, 2020 By Jim Newton

Deciding to enroll your child in preschool is a huge step that not everyone is ready for. It can be a scary thought, especially to first-time parents, to finally make that first investment of trust in either an individual or company to leave your child in their care. While we understand the depth of emotion that can accompany such a milestone, it is important to take your time and consider all perspectives before making that final commitment. The first place to start is giving thought to why you want to send your child to preschool. There are many valid reasons to enroll your child in preschool, so we’re happy to help you in this big decision by outlining the top six reasons you should send your toddler to preschool.


Reason #1: Social and Emotional Growth

Chances are, if you’re struggling with the emotional aspect of being separated from your child for long periods of time, your child is struggling with that as well. This just goes to show that you and your child have a strong emotional connection. Still, you want to start giving your little one opportunities to know that there are good things in the world, even outside of the home, and that it is within their ability to enjoy those things apart from you.

High-quality preschool programs will nurture positive relationships between children, teachers, and parents. Your child will be able to thrive with relationships they build in and out of the home, and you will be given the opportunity to monitor your child’s progress through daily updates on curriculum, naps, games, and your child’s social and emotional progress.

Reason #2: Learning to Make Choices

This is one that is often overlooked, but there is great value in your child having the opportunity to learn how to make choices on their own. You may not notice, but when your child is with you, they don’t often get the opportunity to make choices for themselves, i.e., what to wear, what to eat/drink, etc. Being in preschool exposes your child to many types of choices, all inconsequential enough to begin teaching your child how to exercise independence without harsh consequences. For example, in preschool, your child will be able to choose who and what they play with, what snacks they like, and other small choices to allow them to express their individuality.

Reason #3: Cognitive Skills

As your child gets to socialize not only with other children, but other adults as well, they are given the opportunity to adapt to new conversations, exercise their listening and comprehension skills, and be exposed to new vocabulary you may not use in your home. During school time, preschool teachers encourage students to “use their words” during lessons, play time, snack time, and other activities. Aside from language, your child will learn to exercise their creativity in songs and reading.

Reason #4: Potty Training

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You will get some help in many of the areas that matter most, one of them being potty training. Your little one will have potty breaks, of course, but they will also have to recognize when they do and don’t need to use the restroom. They will learn to ask for permission if they need to go.

Such an environment teaches them to become more in tune with their body and begin to exercise more control over their bladder. Depending on the program, preschool teachers will give you updates on your child’s potty activity throughout the day.

Reason #5: Development of Motor Skills

In preschool, the day is chock full of activities that encourage coordination such as dancing, following in line before playtime, and even small games that require attention to fine movements such as matching shape blocks and completing puzzles. Playground equipment like monkey bars and games such as hop-skotch help your child to develop balance and specific motor control when out playing. Even quieter activities like arts and crafts will subtly provide opportunities to fine-tune hand/eye coordination.

Reason #6: Exercise Independence

When your child is away at school, although they are under the constant supervision and care of teachers and preschool staff, their activities and performance for the day are mostly dependent on their individual choices. They will also begin to work on their ability to cope with being apart from you.

Kids At Preschool With Teacher

Although it is difficult for both you and your child, giving your child the opportunity to experience and explore the world separate from you is extremely important to their growth and development. Even at such a young age, it is an experience that helps them to trust in themselves, build relationships with other adults and children, and it can even help to strengthen the bond and love between the two of you.

Every time you return to pick up your child from preschool, your child is subconsciously encouraged over and over again that you will always return for them, no matter how long, no matter how far. It’s a scary step to take, sending your child to preschool for the first time, but it is a decision that will serve to improve the quality of life for both you and your little one.