The Perfect Age for a Child to Join a Preschool

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The Perfect Age for a Child to Join a Preschool

Posted On: February 18, 2017 By Jim Newton

We all want what is best for our children, and that includes the best educational experience. Good education for your child should begin as soon as possible, or as soon as they are ready for it. Keeping in mind that all children are different, it is likely that not all kids, or families, will be ready to begin school at the same age. However, research has shown that the earlier education can begin, the better off your children will be later in life; enrolling your child in preschool offers opportunities for growth, stimulation, and socialization that otherwise they may not have access to in their everyday lives. The truth is, there is no “perfect age” for your child to begin school. You know your own child the best, and staying in tune with his or her individual needs and developmental milestones is the most important thing you can do to facilitate a successful transition into a school environment. With this in mind, here are some things to think about before enrolling your child in preschool.


Judge how much developed your child is

Preschool-age children are typically two and a half years old. It takes a village to help raise a child, and enrolling him or her at that age may be what is best, or necessary for your family. However, keep in mind that some preschools have developmental requirements that a child should be meeting, or be on their way to meeting before enrollment. For instance, some preschools may require the child to be potty-trained and able to obey certain commands for their own safety. It is also generally helpful if your child is able to engage with other adults that are not their parents—such as babysitters, or other family members they don’t see as often. Healthy separation from parents should begin at an early age, and practicing getting children comfortable with others is an important developmental concept to introduce. Of course, research and parental judgment should be utilized to be sure you’ve chosen a preschool that matches your philosophy and beliefs about child development.

Check your child’s level of readiness

Keep in mind that your child will also be expected to participate in group activities as well as individual tasks that should be directed at aiding in their social development and independence. Again, children mature and develop at different rates, so this is something that you should collaborate on with appropriate professionals such as pediatricians, or child development specialists. Anything you can do to get your child ready for preschool will make for a smoother transition; practicing playing alone at home as well as interacting with other children is helpful for determining your child’s level of readiness for preschool.
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Check if your child can resist the daily routines or not

Another important factor of determining when your child is ready for preschool is his or her dependence on daily routines. For instance, preschools often have a schedule of scholastic stimulation in the morning, then physical stimulation outside, lunchtime, naptime, more play time outside, and plenty of socialization throughout the day with other adults and children. If this seems overwhelming to you, that’s because it is! This can be especially difficult for a child to assimilate to who has not experienced such a busy routine, or simply cannot stay awake for. Napping schedules have a lot to do with the age of the child, but more to do with diet, quality of sleep, and level of stimulation in time frames throughout the day. Getting your child used to one early-afternoon nap per day is most optimal—but again, based on your child’s individual needs and developmental assessment.

Kid Drawing

A few more words

Recent information regarding children’s social development indicates that the most important relationship a child can form and nurture is the one with their parent or caregiver. It is important to remember that children are not meant to be thrown to the wolves on their first day of school, but it is our responsibility as parents to be sure they are safely challenged just enough to facilitate positive growth and development. Although there is no “perfect age” for a child to begin preschool, it is a valid and important resource that is proven to be helpful in long-term education. However, children are delicate and decisions regarding preschool are vital to their success. Be sure to do your research on contending preschools in your area before enrolling, and to assess your child’s readiness before you begin.