Why Summer Camps Are Necessary for Your Kids' Development

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Why Summer Camps Are Necessary for Your Kids’ Development

Posted On: August 4, 2017 By Jim Newton

Children are fragile beings who require devotion from parents on many levels. The responsibility of raising individualized yet socially aware human beings is a vast challenge for anyone to accept, and often parents navigate the journey as it comes. Choosing your child’s first preschool, bringing them to their first day of kindergarten, and helping them with their first homework assignment are milestones that every parent looks forward to, and in some cases may dread. While parenting is much about the moments you spend with your children and the choices you make for them, the other side of parenting involves allowing your child to experience the world outside of their familiar surroundings and engage with the community in meaningful ways. Giving children enriching and educational experiences aside from their average curriculum should continue past the regular school year. In fact, education and learning should be a part of a child’s life year-round. Studies have shown that children who continue to be educationally engaged through summer programs are generally more successful socially and academically. One way for parents to help their child remain stimulated and challenged is to introduce summer camps into their yearly summer routines.

Summer Camp

It’s way to address child’s needs

Involving children in summer camps is a way for parents to address their child’s physical, social, emotional, and mental needs without keeping them locked up in a classroom all day. In summer camps children are able to experience nature, music, art, outdoor activities, and other facets of learning that are generally unaccounted for in the regular school year. Developing children need several domains of their growth to be regularly catered to in order for them to become successful, happy, and well-adjusted adults. Their social, psychological, and physical domains must be routinely engaged and stimulated so that they can be prepared to enter the world as functioning human beings in the future.

They are able to make friends & connections

In summer camps, children are able to make friends and connections with other individuals outside of their regular comfort zones. Especially if your child goes to a small school, the options for making friends who resonate well with your child’s individuality may be a challenge; summer camps often include students from a range of surrounding areas; this allows children to be able to find others who they share similarities and interests with beyond the same group of kids they see everyday at school. Furthermore, they learn to develop trusting relationships with other adults.

It leads to child’s psychological development

Another way that summer camps promote child growth is in a child’s psychological development. Children need to feel that they are a part of a larger community, and more importantly, a community who rallies around children and dedicates time and energy to helping them succeed. This includes helping them learn how to interact productively with others while defining and cultivating their individuality. In summer camps, children may learn how to paint, play musical instruments, and develop other skills that help them see their strengths and develop self-esteem.

It has physical benefits too

Lastly, children benefit from summer camps physically. Particularly in the U.S., the obesity epidemic has hit hard, and future generations need adequate information and exercise in order to learn how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Breaking the generational cycle of poor eating and exercise habits is important for each individual child, as well as for society as a whole. Summer camps involve children in all kinds of outdoor activities including swimming, volleyball, and dodge ball. Children also may learn something about nutrition and how to take care of themselves health wise. They may also take kids on camping trips where children learn basic survival skills.

Children Pulling Rope

Final words

Summer camps are a great way to integrate a dynamic education and engaging learning experience into your child’s life. Summer camps offer children memories and activities that they will keep with them for a lifetime. Making friends and learning skills are some of the best takeaways from summer camps, which are both critical to your child’s well-being and success in the world. Raising kids who are socially aware and involved in their community is a part of what makes summer camps such a great opportunity for families today—they may be responsible for future generations of successful, happy, and well-adjusted adults.

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