How to Keep Fueling Your Child's Learning Interest?

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How to Keep Fueling Your Child’s Learning Interest?

Posted On: April 18, 2016 By Jim Newton

The early years are very important when it comes to learning. This is a time when a child’s mind is a blank slate to be filled with all kinds of interesting knowledge. It is important for parents to encourage an interest in learning, fueling a curiosity that will last for years. There are many ways in which this can be done.

1. Read to Your Child. This is something you can do on a daily basis and you can establish specific times of the day for reading. You can do something even better by having books and magazines in your house. This allows the child to pick them up and read them at any time.

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2. Encourage the Child’s Academic Interests. If there’s a particular subject your child is interested in, promote it. For example, if the youngster likes astronomy, have books on astronomy or videotapes of the planets in your house. It stimulates a desire to learn even more.

3. Provide Learning Opportunities. Your child doesn’t have to always sit by the television set. Taking him or her to the zoo or to a park allows them to take a look at nature. There are other theme related tours you can take your youngster on. This is going to encourage even more curiosity.

4. Taking Interest in School. School is the most important part of a child’s life, and it takes up most of his or her day. Asking questions about schoolwork in general and not just grades shows an interest on your part. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how willing your child is to share the learning experiences.

5. Help the Child Organize School Work. Homework assignments can be overwhelming to a young person. A little bit of help in organizing the work keeps the learner on task. It also relieves some anxiety and makes homework less of a chore.

6. Celebrate Success. Your child definitely wants to please you. It is important to this young person that you show appreciation for all of the effort. It’s easy enough to do. Regardless of what the achievement is, praise the effort and the accomplishment. It helps build the child’s self-esteem, and prevents school from a dreary place of no reward.
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7. Take School Seriously. You have to do more than just talk about the importance of education. You want to attend teachers conference meetings and PTA meetings. This does take time out of your evening. However, it also instills in your children the importance you place on education.

8. Do Not Hesitate to Request Services. Your son or daughter may have dyslexia or some other learning impairment. If left unattended this can result in an intense dislike of education later on. For the sake of your child, you should request testing to determine if there is a problem.

9. Monitor Television, Internet Use, and Video Games. These can be sources of entertainment for your youngster and they could also possibly be learning mediums as well. It all depends on what is used. You can also check the televisions programs your child watches to be sure there is some educational content as well. Video games do not have to always be violent. Some of them are thought-provoking strategy games. The Internet can be a blessing or a curse. Be sure that it helps learning.

10. Have Visits to the Library. The library is the greatest friend education has. It can also be a place of discovery for your kids. Be sure that they have library cards and that visits are scheduled to the library on a frequent basis. There are worlds to be viewed in the stacks of books in the library. Allow your child to explore them.


Learning is a light in the darkness, and it opens up avenues to your child. As a parent you need to be sure that the candle keeps burning. Take any opportunity possible to light or re-light the candle. You’ll notice that your child becomes more curious about the world around and want to discover even more. That is very encouraging.

The road to knowledge can begin a very early age and extend out for decades. You’ll be helping your son or daughter tremendously if you fuel the learning process as early as possible, and as often as possible.